Working with your womb seasons

Pregnancy massage


If you do not already have a regular massage routine, it is highly recommended to establish one both pre & postnatally, to support healthy alignment, musculoskeletal and physiological function during these fabulous and difficult times. 

Massage benefits include: reduced oedema; reduced blood pressure; improved respiration; reduced sacroiliac and hip pain; reduced headaches; reduced stress; improved fatigue.

First trimester

NB A widely accepted myth is that massage is contraindicated during the first trimester. The fear is a potential increased risk of miscarriage.

It is true that there is a a much higher incidence of miscarriage during the first trimester, however there is no evidence that massage can cause miscarriage. Unfortunately many therapists insurance companies still do not cover therapists to treat during the first trimester, so it is always important to check each therapists’ situation when booking a treatment during this time.

Rest assured that my training and insurance cover treatment throughout pregnancy.

However if you feel that your personal situation may put you particularly at risk of miscarriage you may choose to wait during this time.

Postnatal massage


Bearing and birthing a baby is no small thing.

After surgery you would expect physio, rehabilitation and post-surgery treatments to ensure your body heals as quickly and easily as possible.

However after birthing a baby, so often the baby’s wellbeing takes all the attention and the mother’s healing isn’t well attended to. Not to mention the exhausting process of sleeping routines and feeding a newborn.

Massage treatments give you the opportunity to rest and heal and become stronger in your role as mother.

I highly recommend planning your postnatal care routine prior to birthing your baby.

Newborns are welcome to join mama on the table and often love the quiet cuddle time.

Postnatal exercise

These are some exercise programmes I recommend for postnatal healing:

Take time to care for your

changing body

both prenatally

and postnatally